在照明设计领域有10年经验。2011年从越南艺术大学 University of Arts (Vietnam) 毕业后,在越南-施雷德公司 (Schreder Vietnam) 担任初级平面设计师,凭着工作活力和热情,一年后被提升为照明应用工程师。
擅长户外照明,Collis 大部分时间致力于街道/隧道照明等政府项目,2017年底加入一家专业照明工程公司,这为他提供了更多拓展设计技能的机会。目前,Collis 在外立面、室内和景观照明等多种类型的项目中具备丰富经验。
Nationality: Vietnam
Senior designerCollis has 10 years of experience in the lighting industry.
After graduation from the University of Arts (Vietnam) in 2011, he worked for Schreder Vietnam as a junior Graphic Designer. With his dynamism and enthusiasm, he was swiftly promoted to Lighting Application Specialist one year later.
Specialized in outdoor lighting and devoted most of his time in government’s projects like street/tunnel lighting, Collis joined a project lighting integrator at the end of 2017, which provided him more opportunities to develop his design skills. Currently he is able to work across a wide range of project types in facade, interior, and landscape lighting.